HEROES Supported Events in 2016

The HEROES team continues to have a busy schedule providing educational opportunities across the state of Nebraska. In 2016, HEROES afforded several healthcare providers the opportunity to have hands-on experiences in mock code simulations, biocontainment transport skills, triage simulations, and hospital decontamination methods. We have worked with the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit, Creighton University, UNMC High School Alliance, the Nebraska Plains Healthcare Coalition, and Jennie M. Melham Memorial Medical Center in Broken Bow to provide these experiences.

We have also provided several emergency preparedness learning events such as lectures and hands-on simulations to six Nebraska colleges and universities. Click on the links below to see photos from some recent HEROES events.

JMMMC, Broken Bow - Day 1 | Day 2 UNMC CON Lincoln UNMC CON Scottsbluff/WNCC

New Faces

Brittany Nordby, HEROES Project Coordinator

HEROES is delighted to announce the arrival of our new Project Coordinator, Brittany Nordby. Brittany joined us during the fall of 2016 and has been busy working with Beth Beam to transition into the position Beth has held for more than a decade. Brittany's background is in emergency nursing and EMS. Her experience provides us the opportunity to create excellent educational opportunities in some exciting new directions for healthcare professionals and health professions students. She can be contacted through the website

For the curious amongst you, Beth will remain as a consultant with HEROES, but will spend the majority of her time as an Education Researcher in UNMC's Academic Affairs Interprofessional Academy of Educators.

Opportunities for Healthcare Systems and EMS

The HEROES team continues to provide several educational opportunities for healthcare providers. With our Mobile Simulation Unit, we can provide on-site, hands-on training. Topics of interest include decontamination methods, mock-code scenarios, multi-trauma patients scenarios, and assisting with mass casualty exercises.

SimMan - Human Patient Simulator

The HEROES family of manikins grew this year with the addition of a new Laerdal SimMan Essential. This high fidelity human patient simulator gives healthcare providers hands-on experience in a safe, controlled environment. We also welcomed adult, child and infant water rescue mankins that allow for more opportunities in patient decontamination scenarios.

Opportunities for College and Universities

Teaching future nurses, EMS professionals, and other healthcare providers is a major component of the HEROES mission. The HEROES team will travel to your college or university to provide education on emergency preparedness topics. We provide students with a lecture on emergency preparedness and also provide hands-on training for students. Many colleges and universities find the combination of our lecture and hands-on training to be very beneficial to their students. Students can also access our educational videos and interactive modules through our website.

Online Learning

Our website continues to provide several online videos that are utilized by healthcare institutions and colleges and universities. In 2016 HEROES continued to work with the Physical Therapy program at UNMCs College of Allied Health Professions. The two videos that were produced in 2016 are a part of the series of Volunteer Shelter Training videos. These videos focused on medication assistance, specifically "Asthma Inhaler Assistance" and "Asthma Inhaler and Spacer Assistance".

Interactive Learning Module - Triage Basics

Another component that was added to the website was an interactive learning module on "Triage Basics". This module will allow the learner to assume the role of a responder at a mass casualty incident, where they must triage the victims. Once the module is completed, a debriefing will be provided on the choices made. This interactive learning module gives healthcare providers and students the opportunity to walk through the triage process and get feedback and suggestions on decisions made.

The HEROES team is continuing to work on the development of more videos and interactive learning modules. Stayed tuned over the year to see the upcoming online educational resources that will be available to you!


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Got Questions? Contact us online, or by mail:
Brittany Nordby, College of Nursing, 985330 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198

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The HEROES Project is funded through a University of Nebraska Programs of Excellence Grant.

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