General Information: Introduction | Format/Directions | Assessment
Sections: Asian Culture | Hispanic Culture | Native American Culture | Shiite Muslim Culture| Russian Culture| Zambian Culture
Activities: Asian Case Study | Hispanic Case Study | Native American Case Study | Muslim, Russian & Zambian Case Study

Case Study 3

Your friendly travel agent is back. There's lots to see and learn about Native American history at a number of web sites.

Please return to read this final case study and provide answers to all three cases in the discussion section for NRSG833. Happy Travels!

Susan Deerfoot is a 34 year old Native American, gravida 5, para 3, who has been coming to see you for the past two years. Susan is a known diabetic who is well controlled with insulin. She comes to your office with a chief complaint of occasional chest pain and shortness of breath. Susan is worried because her sister and grandfather died in their early 30s and 50s respectively. Susan thinks they both died of heart attacks or something like that. She does not live on a reservation but practices many of the Native American traditions of her tribe. Her religion is very important to her. Susan's health maintenance practices, in addition to those used to control her diabetes, include Native American rituals.

  1. Review the case study and Section 3. Which of the above pieces of data may be considered typical (more common) in the Native American culture?
  2. Provide one example (each) of a question you will ask in assessing the cultural aspects listed below. Please make your answers unique to this case avoiding repetition of questions from Case Study 1 and Case Study 2.
    1. Health beliefs/practices,
    2. Dietary considerations,
    3. Family aspects/roles,
    4. Language/communication, and
    5. Religion/rituals.
  3. Provide at least one web site address, other than those listed in this special topics presentation which speaks to health promotion and/or health maintenance issue(s)pertinent to the advanced practice nurse when caring for individuals specifically from Asian, Hispanic, or Native American cultures.

Enter your responses to this case study in the Cultural Considerations Forum of the Discussion Groups in the Communications section.