General Information: Introduction | Format/Directions | Assessment
Sections: Asian Culture | Hispanic Culture | Native American Culture | Shiite Muslim Culture| Russian Culture| Zambian Culture
Activities: Asian Case Study | Hispanic Case Study | Native American Case Study | Muslim, Russian & Zambian Case Study



This exercise is divided into several parts related to (1) assessment, (2) six selected diverse populations, (3) three case studies, (4) points to ponder, and (5) a discussion group. The menu selections are:

  • Introduction
  • Format/Directions
  • Assessment Notes
  • Section 1--Asian
  • Section 2--Hispanic
  • Section 3-Native American
  • Section 4--Shiite Muslim
  • Section 5--Russian
  • Section 6--Zambian
  • Case Study 1--Asian
  • Case Study 2--Hispanic
  • Case Study 3--Native American
  • Points to Ponder--Shiite Muslim, Russian, Zambian
  • Discussion Group

Assessment notes contain a few overall guidelines which may be useful to the nurse practitioner when evaluating individuals from various cultures. Sections 1-3 contain didactic information for students' review. The initial pages of each section will provide students with information about value orientations, health beliefs and practices, dietary considerations, family aspects, and communication. Following this, additional information related to physical assessment, common health conditions, culture-bound syndromes, genetic disorders, and pharmacological considerations, specific to each population may be provided. Sections 4-6 consist of short video clips for review by students. They do not follow the same format as the previous sections.  Instead, a dialogue format is utilized to present information about each culture. Resources utilized in this exercise are provided at the conclusion of each section. Additionally, students will find a short summary of selected points in the bibliography of additional resources following the reference list. The annotations will contain some pertinent information for the students' quick review. Each bibliographical entry appears only once in this special topic with the exception of substantial works in transcultural nursing. Because articles sometimes encompass discussion about more than one culture, the cultures pertaining to this lesson are bolded.

Portions of this exercise contain hyperlinks.  (All hyperlinks will be noted in blue.) Students accessing these links will find important information which may be used to enhance knowledge.


Students should review two (2) cultures from Sections 1-3 and complete the corresponding case studies. They should also review one (1) selected video clip from Sections 4-6 and complete the corresponding Points to Ponder for the video clip.

Responses may be made by accessing the Discussion Group of the NRSG833 menu. These asynchronous responses will be shared among NRSG833 classmates and with the instructor. Faculty responses will be made and posted for student feedback.

Next Section: Assessment Notes