Chinese Welcome


Japanese Welcome

(Omaha Indian-Male)

(Omaha Indian-Female)


General Information: Introduction | Format/Directions | Assessment
Sections: Asian Culture | Hispanic Culture | Native American Culture | Shiite Muslim Culture| Russian Culture| Zambian Culture
Activities: Asian Case Study | Hispanic Case Study | Native American Case Study | Muslim, Russian & Zambian Case Study


Purpose: This intranet exercise, developed for NRSG833: "Advanced Diagnostic Reasoning and Management of Common Health Problems of Women", provides students with an overview of various cultural considerations important in the assessment and treatment of selected minority populations.

Three culturally diverse populations were initially selected for this special topic. The populations selected were Asians, Hispanics, and Native Americans. These minority populations are predominant in Northeastern Nebraska. The Asian population comprises 2-4.9% of the population of Dakota County (Nebraska Department of Health, 1996, p. 25). The Hispanic population represents 2-9.9% of the population of Colfax, Madison, and Dakota counties (Nebraska Department of Health, p. 26). Native Americans represent 5-10% or greater of the population of Knox and Thurston counties (Nebraska Department of Health, p. 24). Following this initial phase three additional culturally diverse populations were added.  These include the Shiite Muslim, Russian, and Zambian cultures. 

Information about each culture is presented either in a didactic format, complete with interesting photos, or in a video clip.  We hope this information will be helpful to you in providing health care to a culturally diverse population.  It is also our hope that you will have a bit of fun with this exercise.  You may also wish to use this website as a future reference when seeing clients from diverse cultures.

Course Competencies

The content relates to the course competencies listed below.

  1. Conduct health assessments, including advanced history taking and physical examinations, on women.
  2. Implement developmentally appropriate interventions for women that include health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention.
  3. Provide clinical management of women with acute health care needs and low risk pregnancies.


Nebraska Department of Health. (1996). Nebraska's racial and ethnic minorities and their health: An update. Lincoln, NE: Author.


  • Leininger, M. (1997). Transcultural nursing research to transform nursing education and practice: 40 years. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 29, 341-347.

    Leininger provides an overview of the development of transcultural nursing and its implications for research and education. She defines transcultural nursing and reviews it basis in theory. Examples are provided and an extensive reference list completes the paper.

Next Section: Format/Directions