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Published: 08/26/2022 | Duration:

Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - LUCAS Device

Mechanical CPR is an effective alternative to manual CPR, especially during ambulance transport when the number of responders is not adequate.

Performed by automated chest compression equipment, it can be utilized in both the pre-hospital and in-hospital setting for patients suffering cardiac arrest, and allows for consistent high-quality CPR, essential for improved patient outcomes.

In this video we demonstrate the use of mechanical Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with a LUCAS device.

Video Links

AHA: Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Published: 08/26/2022 | Duration: 07:20

Scott C. Wiebe

Scott Wiebe

Lincoln Fire Department

Scott C. Wiebe is an EMS Supervisor at Lincoln Fire-Rescue in Lincoln, Nebraska.