Emergency Preparedness training and education for healthcare providers and students across the state of Nebraska, and beyond. HEROES (Healthcare and Emergency Responder Organization Education through Simulation) is an interdisciplinary approach to biological, chemical, radiological and natural disaster emergencies. Spearheaded by the UNMC College of Nursing, we collaborate with the College of Medicine, College of Allied Health Professions and the Center for Preparedness and Emergency Response Solutions.
Funded through a University of Nebraska programs of Excellence Grant, HEROES provides education through its website and Mobile Simulation Unit.
Andrew Oxtoby
Program Coordinator
College of Nursing
University of Nebraska Medical Center
The HEROES Program would love to partner with you! To schedule simulation training, propose a project, or if you have general questions, please contact our Program Coordinator via the email, phone, or mailing address below.
HEROES Program Coordinator
UNMC College of Nursing
985330 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-5330
Phone: (402) 559-6555
Email: heroes@unmc.edu
Stephen Smith
Instructional Technologist
College of Nursing
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Brittany Schlueter, MSN, RN, EMT
Program Consultant
College of Nursing
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Sara E. Bills, PT, DPT, GCS
Program Consultant
College of Allied Health Professions
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Phillip W. Smith, M.D.
Emeritus Faculty
(Professor, Internal Medicine)
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Sharon Medcalf, PhD, MEd, RN
Co-Director for the Center for Preparedness Education
University of Nebraska Medical Center