Author Profile

John Hauser has contributed to the following content for HEROES:

Half Mask Respirator II: Gross Decon, Reassembly and Storage

Demonstration of the correct steps involved in gross decontamination, reassembly and storage of a half mask respirator.

Some steps refer to specific UNMC policies and procedures and may need to be altered for your organization.

Published: 01/03/2012 | Duration: 08:03

Half Mask Respirator III: Light Decon and Storage

Demonstration of the correct procedures involved in the light decontamination of a half mask respirator.

Some steps refer to specific UNMC policies and procedures and may need to be altered for your organization.

Published: 12/12/2011 | Duration: 02:56

Half Mask Respirator I: Donning, Doffing and Fit Check

Demonstration of the correct procedures involved in the donning, doffing and fit testing of a half mask respirator.

Some steps refer to specific UNMC policies and procedures and may need to be altered for your organization.

Published: 12/12/2011 | Duration: 04:19

John Hauser

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John Hauser is the Safety Manager at the University of Nebraska Medical Center