Videos - Emergency Response

LVAD - Basic Assessment & Emergency Care

LVAD - Basic Assessment & Emergency Care

- Published: 04/20/2024 | Duration: 11:08

In this video we’ll discuss the basic assessment and emergency care of patients with a left ventricular assist device.

A left ventricular assist device, often shortened to LVAD, is a mechanical pump that is implanted to the left side of the heart which aids in pumping blood throughout the body.

Typically used to help patients who are living with end-stage heart failure and are waiting for a transplant. It can also be used for long-term therapy, often referred to as Destination Therapy.

Care of a patient with an LVAD will differ from what a non-LVAD patient would be provided. This video describes those differences and demonstrates the steps for Basic Assessment and Emergency Care.

Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - LUCAS Device

Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - LUCAS Device

- Published: 08/26/2022 | Duration: 07:20

Mechanical CPR is an effective alternative to manual CPR, especially during ambulance transport when the number of responders is not adequate.

Performed by automated chest compression equipment, it can be utilized in both the pre-hospital and in-hospital setting for patients suffering cardiac arrest, and allows for consistent high-quality CPR, essential for improved patient outcomes.

In this video we demonstrate the use of mechanical Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with a LUCAS device.

Video Links

AHA: Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Intraosseous Access - Line Removal

Intraosseous Access - Line Removal

- Published: 02/03/2021 | Duration: 03:17

In this video we demonstrate how to remove an Intraosseous Line also known as an IO.

Emergency Procedures: Intraosseous Access - EZ-IO

Emergency Procedures: Intraosseous Access - EZ-IO

- Published: 11/21/2019 | Duration: 05:35

In this video we demonstrate how to obtain intraosseous access with a powered drill system. Intraosseous access, commonly called IO, is used when immediate vascular access is needed, and other methods have failed.

Tourniquet Basics: Combat Application Tourniquet

Tourniquet Basics: Combat Application Tourniquet

- Published: 08/07/2019 | Duration: 03:19

A tourniquet is used for victims with potential life-threatening bleeding. This video demonstrates how to apply the Combat Application Tourniquet also known as CAT.

Cervical Collar Placement: Supine Patient

Cervical Collar Placement: Supine Patient

- Published: 04/10/2017 | Duration: 03:22

A cervical collar is used when a cervical-spine injury is suspected.

In this video, we will demonstrate how to place a cervical collar on a supine patient.

Cervical Collar Placement: Seated Patient

Cervical Collar Placement: Seated Patient

- Published: 04/10/2017 | Duration: 03:20

A cervical collar is used when a cervical-spine injury is suspected.

In this video, we will demonstrate how to place a cervical collar on a seated patient.