Learning Center  >  Personal Protective Equipment  >  Hospital - Patient Decontamination

Hospital - Patient Decontamination

Videos present the basic educational content for a module. Videos can be downloaded for inclusion in your organization's LMS - look for the Download Media section on each video.

3M Breathe Easy PAPR with Butyl Hood - Assembly and Testing

3M Breathe Easy PAPR with Butyl Hood - Assembly and Testing

- Published: 08/26/2022 | Duration: 09:50

In this video we demonstrate the assembly and testing of a 3M Breathe Easy PAPR with Butyl Hood, a battery-operated Powered Air Purifying Respirator used when responding to hazardous chemical situations.

PAPR units are not equipment we use on a regular basis. Familiarization with the correct assembly and testing of such devices ensures patient and healthcare professional safety when called into use.


Chemical Decontamination PPE: Suit Support

Chemical Decontamination PPE: Suit Support

- Published: 03/31/2018 | Duration: 06:36

Suit support personnel are a vital part of a decon team. In addition to assisting with the donning and doffing of team members PPE, they also help with such tasks as taking vital signs, and ensuring decon team members are properly hydrated.

In this video we demonstrate Donning the equipment for suit support personnel.

Chemical Decontamination PPE: Level C 3M Breathe Easy - Doffing

Chemical Decontamination PPE: Level C 3M Breathe Easy - Doffing

- Published: 03/31/2018 | Duration: 06:37

After a decon team member has assisted in the process of chemical decontamination, their personal protective equipment must be taken off in a controlled step-by-step process.

In this video we demonstrate the steps for Doffing Level C Chemical Personal Protective Equipment with a 3M Breathe Easy PAPR

Chemical Decontamination PPE: Level C 3M Breathe Easy - Donning

Chemical Decontamination PPE: Level C 3M Breathe Easy - Donning

- Published: 03/31/2018 | Duration: 09:42

Decon operations team members often wear Level C Chemical PPE when attending to a patient requiring chemical decontamination.

In this video we demonstrate the steps for Donning Level C Chemical Personal Protective Equipment with a 3M Breathe Easy PAPR

PAPR Assembly and Testing - Level C Biological: ILC Dover Sentinel XL

PAPR Assembly and Testing - Level C Biological: ILC Dover Sentinel XL

- Published: 02/03/2012 | Duration: 04:01

Demonstration of how to assemble and test an ILC Dover Sentinel XL PAPR unit.

Disclaimer: The following video depicts equipment commonly used in Nebraska hospitals. HEROES does not support any one manufacturer over another. Always refer to the manufacturer's directions for the complete instructions when using any powered air purifying respirator.

Interactive Learning Modules can either present new material, or be games or quizzes that test your understanding of material in one of our videos.

There are currently no Interactive Learning Modules for this section of the Learning Center. Check back later though - we're always adding new content.