STD Tutorial
  Student Responsibilities

Untitled Document

Student Responsibilities

Bacterial Vaginosis
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

CDC STD Guidelines


  • You should arrive by 5:15 pm.  For your first time at the clinic, you have the option of being paired up with another student or shadowing.
  • Once you arrive at the clinic, the clinic administrator will give you a brief explanation of how the clinic will operate.
  • We have male and female forms at RESPECT, which are to be used to guide your encounter and to take notes.  These forms are used to complete similar encounter templates in Epic/One Chart.
  • You will be assigned an exam room.  Patients assigned to you by the administrator should be called back from the waiting room by the number on the encounter form (not by their names to preserve confidentiality).  
  • At RESPECT, patients are usually there to either be tested for an STD or to receive lab results from the last visit. In general, we do not care for other types of problems. Specifically, Pap tests and hepatitis testing are not performed.
  • If the patient is there to receive lab results, review information from the previous visit and consult a faculty provider before seeing the patient. If the test result is positive and the patient was not treated during the previous visit, the patient will require therapy.
  • If the patient is there to be tested for a STD, you will complete first page of the relevant RESPECT form and consult an available faculty provider about your patient. 
  • You must have a faculty provider in the room when performing the exam.  
  • If you do not feel adequately prepared to do the appropriate exam, please ask the provider to assist you.
  • In general, patients with known expsosure to a STD or who have symptoms will be tested but will also receive treatment that night.
  • Our pharmacy has most of the medications commonly used at RESPECT; these are given to patients at no extra charge. Drugs administered or dispensed must be entered into Epic/One Chart with their lot numbers/expiration dates.
  • For medications not found at the RESPECT pharmacy, you may eprescribe or print the prescription(s). Because this is not a means tested clinic, patients are expected to pay for these prescriptions.
  • For lab requests, fill out the special RESPECT lab form and have it signed by the faculty provider.  Take the patient to the lab and give the lab request sheet and patient stickers to the clinical laboratory science student.
  • After the patient has left, use the appropriate male/female or follow-up template in Epic/One Chart to record the encounter, have facuty review the note and sign orders, and turn in the forms to the administrator.
  • Please remove and discard paper from tables in exam room after each patient. Also, take gowns and drapes to the special room for proper disposal (administrators will show you where this room is located); used speculua should be take to the lab and placed in special container.
  • For other conditions out of the scope of RESPECT clinic, please refer patients to the day clinic at the same location or to their regular health care provider if they have one.